Monthly Archives: March 2014

Red Leap Theatre Company

Some fabulous techniques at work here: what can YOU steal?

More inspiration for devising

Shockheaded Peter by Tiger Lilies Theatre Company

Breathing Puppets

Year 12: watch this and draw out the similarities with Bunraku puppets …

Life as an actor – as we all know – is not easy.

Life as an actor – as we all know – is not easy.

A realistic view of how difficult it is to get work as an actor.

Circus Skills

Circus Skills

Circus Skills are being celebrated in the UK by top theatre directors, who confirm that theatre is becoming “increasingly physical”.

The future for theatre

The future for theatre

Theatre must continue to look forward, not rely on the past.  What do YOU think?

Working as a set designer

Working as a set designer

“You’re either a prince or a pauper …”

Careers in the Creative Industries

Careers tin the Creative Industries

Why Drama is a useful subject

This is a great advert for the importance of studying Drama in school